
Designed exclusively for speech-language pathology and audiology training programs, CALIPSO manages key aspects of academic and clinical education.

Clinical Assessment of Learning

The clinical assessment of learning can be a tedious task… from collecting and transcribing performance evaluations to tracking clock hours. CALIPSO transforms this experience by taking it all online and does so in an extremely secure and user-friendly way.


The customizable clinical performance evaluation tool is aligned with the CFCC standards. The form auto-tallies and produces a letter grade based on an institution’s grading scale. In addition, CALIPSO automatically weights multiple evaluations within a semester based on clock hours gained.

Clinical Clock Hours

All clock hours are tracked, submitted, approved, and calculated right within CALIPSO.

Document Sharing

CALIPSO also offers a secure server for the posting and sharing of files. You can personalize folders based on preference and upload any type of file from handbooks and reports to videos and portfolios.
CALIPSO's streamlined approach enhances communication between a student, supervisor, and clinical coordinator.
Request a webinar to view an online demonstration of CALIPSO.


We are pleased to announce that CALIPSO for SLP® is used by 86% of all Speech-Language Pathology programs and CALIPSO for Audiology® is used by 63% of all Audiology programs with a retention rate of over 99%.