
Designed exclusively for speech-language pathology and audiology training programs, CALIPSO manages key aspects of academic and clinical education.

Inventory of Performance

If you are exhausted with tracking CFCC and CAA standards, leave it to CALIPSO to track your compliance effortlessly.

KASA Summary Form

This auto-populated form serves as a formative and summative assessment and provides documentation of both knowledge and skills obtained through academic and clinical courses.

Cumulative Evaluation

This form serves as a formative assessment and provides ongoing feedback on a student’s progress toward meeting clinical skills and enables a student to advocate for their clinical education needs.


With this helpful feature, the clinical administrator and student can easily track the student’s progress toward meeting all of the requirements for the successful completion of the clinical education program and graduation.
Request a webinar to view an online demonstration of CALIPSO.


We are pleased to announce that CALIPSO for SLP® is used by 86% of all Speech-Language Pathology programs and CALIPSO for Audiology® is used by 63% of all Audiology programs with a retention rate of over 99%.